Intuitive Conversations with Kristine Kieland and Renee Keene
Intuitive Guidance to help you understand your life’s experiences and the outer world. How energy, frequency and vibration align with conscious awareness and how to best navigate the awakening of All * Kristine's website: www.kristinekieland.com * Renee's website: www.reneekeeneintuitive.com
28 episodes
Embracing New Experiences Without Doubt
Do you allow your inherent wisdom and intuition to enhance your life?

Do you recognize your Powerful Self?
Do you allow distraction to interfere with living your passion and knowing your True Self?

How Obsessive Thoughts Influence Your Day
Do you recognize how repetitive thoughts can become obsessive?How does this interfere with your best life and affect others?

How To Accept And Embrace Your Experience
Renee and Kristine discuss the benefit of loving yourself as you accept whatever you are experiencing without judgement.

We All Experience Grief Differently
Grief is a powerful experience that is shared by all. We discuss how grief is an opportunity for growth and rebirth.

A Spiritual Call To Action
We are at a point in humanity where we are called to challenge our beliefs.As awakened Beings it is our responsibility to take this action.

How Do You Affect The Quantum Field?
In this episode Renee and Kristine discuss how the action of a simple smile affects the Quantum field. Do you realize how significant you are?

Opening Up and Activating Your Intuitive Gifts
In this episode Renee and Kristine discuss how to recognize and expand your intuitive skills and abilities. Find out how activating your natural intuitive gifts allows you to have your best life.

Make Your Own Kind Of Music
What is possible for you when you think of yourself in the beautiful way your Soul does?

What Energy Field are You Playing in?
Do you understand the way you express yourself energetically affects all?

Are You In The Process Of Integrating?
Learn how to trust your natural state of BEing as you integrate the energies of self acceptance and self responsibility.

Creating Change and Evolving Consciousness
We all experience change. Are you aware of your responsibility to allow change?

Conscious Choice, How Aware Are You?
Are you aware of the daily choices you make which influence your life?

The Consequences Of An Unconscious Act
When you are disconnected from yourSELF and others, what are the consequences of an unconscious act?

Your Body is Your Guide
Kristine and Renee talk about the role the physical body plays in your evolution.

What vibration do your words hold?
How does the vibration of the words you use affect yourself and others?Can you consciously choose words for the highest and best of all?

Giggle, Laughter and Joy! More Please!
How often do you giggle? Do you hold it in? Set your giggle free its a natural high!

Do expectations affect your holiday experience?
Does having holiday expectations interfere with your best holiday experience?

How to Create More of Your Best
What is your understanding of more? We look at the reality of the statement "there's always more".